Why Rigid Polyurethane Foam (PUF)?
The versatility of rigid polyurethane foam makes it suitable for an extensive range of insulation applications. Polyurethane foam insulation qualities allow it to be used in many building types where the need for insulation and air-tightness is combined with a requirement for load-bearing, impact resistance, sealing, weight and space optimization, low maintenance and durability.
Rigid polyurethane foam is widely known for its excellent R-value, which is among the highest of any insulating material. This ensures efficient heat retention or alternatively, consistent temperature control of refrigerated or frozen environments.
Due to its closed cell nature, PU insulation performs as an air barrier, resulting in significant energy savings. PU insulation does not settle and sag to reveal air gaps – unlike fibrous insulation products.
When polyurethane is bonded to facing materials e.g. plywood, OSB, metal or gypsum wallboard, high levels of both shear and compressive strength are achieved.
During the curing stage, rigid polyurethane foam is highly adhesive, allowing it to bond with many building facing materials. Bond strength is often higher than the tensile or shear strength of the foam.
Rigid polyurethane foam has low water vapor permeability. Polyurethane foam products with a facing such as aluminum foil or polyethylene film, will perform as a vapor barrier preventing mold growth.
At low densities of about 36 Kg/m3, rigid polyurethane foam is made up of about 97% gas trapped in cells, and just 3% polyurethane polymer. The lightness of the material means reduced transportation costs and easy on-site handling and installation.
Rigid polyurethane foam provides excellent resistance to many common chemicals, solvents and oils.
Rigid polyurethane foam is compatible with a majority of building facings including paper, fiberglass, aluminum, plywood, OSB, gypsum sheathing and foil.